The number and frequency of treatments required depends entirely on the individual condition and is based on a large variety of variables
including how long the problem has been there and the severity of the injury. Initially treatment sessions are usually more frequent in
order to retrain the joints and muscles to function correctly. As we see improvement in your condition the frequency will then be reduced.
This normally happens in the first few weeks but varies from person to person. Once the symptoms have reduced it is then we can begin
rehabilitating your spine or problem area.
Once we have rehabilitated the spine it is a case of keeping the benefit that has been gained and keeping you healthy and at your best, this
is where maintenance care plays a strong role. Coming for regular check-ups and adjustments to maintain the spine through life’s everyday
stresses and strains is key. The frequency of maintenance care is dependant from person to person and our Chiropractors will discuss this
with you.
However far you decide to take your treatment is always up to you. We are here to provide advice and treatment to guide you
through your care.