The return of the newsletter

The Return Of The Newsletter

The return of the newsletter

It continues to be a time of adjustment as ‘normal’ life slowly returns. It was great to see school children finally returning this week and I am sure we have a few relieved parents out there too, myself included. I can even live with the increased school traffic.

As most of our patients know we are now open 5 days per week with Bhavini working on Tuesdays and Thursdays and myself working Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. We are looking into ways to accommodate more of our patients in a COVID safe manner and will update you in due course. For the time being we will continue with separate days.

We continue to monitor COVID numbers in the area and keep up to date with guidance issued by the Government, Public Health England, and our General Chiropractic association. In line with the most recently issued advice we will now be wearing visors in all of our appointments. We continue to ask all patients without medical exemptions to bring and wear their own face covering (we can supply a mask for £1 if you have forgotten yours. I know I have done this more than once!).

We appreciate our patient’s goodwill and compliance with the face mask requirements. Thank you for your cooperation and patience.