3 tips to look after your back in the cold weather.

3 tips to look after your back in the cold weather.

3 tips to look after your back in the cold weather.

Here are 3 tips to look after your back in the cold weather.

  1. Keep moving. Backs stay healthy when they are moved, varied and dynamic exercise is best. Use the short daylight hours to go out for a walk or run. Try to get into a exercise routine either at home or in the gym to build core endurance, planks and bridge exercises work fantastically for this.
  2. Warm up. If you are doing any strenuous activity, that can include lifting Christmas decorations up or down from the loft, digging the garden up or doing a session in the gym warm up first. Warming up is best to gradually build up movement like walking, then jogging before running. When we get cold we are less flexible. Our tissues are less stretchy and can have a higher risk of overloading them and causing injury.
  3. Take breaks. If you are going old-school and writing Christmas cards and have lots of them to write, make sure you avoid sitting at the table or desk for prolonged periods. Take breaks, do them in batches. The same advice goes for lots of cooking, standing at the worktop or hob, even sitting watching these classic Christmas movies. Get up and move that spine.