Happy New Year - Guildford Spine Centre

Taking time to reflect

As we look forward to the New Year and what it holds for us, we have taken some time to reflect on the exciting things that happened for us 2019. It saw us welcome our second Chiropractor Bhavini in July and she has been an asset to us. It also saw us continue to attend several local events including the annual Surrey County Show and the Christmas fair at Guildford’s Guildhall.

The Launch of our clinic Newsletter 

August 2019 saw the launch of our Monthly newsletter. It is a chance for us to keep in touch with all of our patients and inform them of what is happening in clinic. We look forward to continuing these in 2020 and would welcome any feedback you wish to give.

Looking forward to 2020

With the new year and new decade comes new goals and resolutions. Many involve creating a healthier lifestyle, whether it’s to exercise more or to become fit. With aches and pains, it can become challenging to exercise. Below are a few tips to help you prepare and prevent injuries:

  • Spend some time warming up at the start and cooling down at the end of each session.
  • Drink plenty of water whilst exercising as it is important to keep hydrated to allow your muscles to work and reduce soreness after exercise.
  • Ease into the exercises and build up gradually whether it’s the amount of time your spending or the weights you are using.